30-minute consultation with a specialist lawyer
You have a trademark project that you want to register alone, but there are still some grey areas? For example:
- you don't know if you should register your name or logo
- you are aware of a previous right and have difficulty assessing the risk it represents
- you're wondering which classes to choose
- you need help to list your products and services
- you have questions about the procedure for filing with theINPI
- ...
For half an hour, we answer all your questions and give you concrete advice on how to file your trademark yourself. And if you finally decide to entrust us with the filing procedure, the cost of the consultation will be deducted from your formula !
85€ HT (102€ TTC)
An informal and straightforward interview
This consultation is a discussion with you, in a good mood, to immerse ourselves in your project and give you the best advice.
No question left unanswered
We give you clear advice and guidance on the questions you have in order to register your trademark in the best conditions.
The consultation is free if you use our services!
The price of the consultation is deducted from the price of the chosen formula if you finally decide to use our services to register your trademark.
Book a 30 minute consultation
Please note: your consultation will only be validated once your payment has been made. After choosing the date and time of your choice, do not forget to click on the payment button under the calendar.