The Amazon Trademarks Register - what is it for?

In 2017, Amazon has completely rethought its Register of trademarks (Brand Registry). This enables online sellers who own a trademark to benefit from numerous commercial and legal advantages.

The owner of a trademark registered in the Brand Registry can both control the presentation of its brand on Amazon and prohibit infringements of its rights by competitors. What's more, this additional protection is very easy to acquire. All you need to do is follow a very simple registration procedure.

Advantages of the Amazon Trademarks Register

By registering your brand with the Amazon Trademarks Registerthe seller benefits from a reinforced experience:

  • It can thus Check Amazon product pages that use the brand name. This control capability includes page title, images and product descriptions. The main purpose is to ensure that potential customers have access to correct information about the products carrying the brand.
  • The trademark holder also has a tool to gain in buyer visibility. Thanks to the « enhanced branded content "(CMA or A+ tool)The new system, which is reserved for owners of trademarks registered in the Brand RegistryIn addition, the owner can describe the attributes of its product in a different way by including a unique brand history, enhanced images and text. As a result of CMA, some sellers have seen significant increases in conversion rates, traffic and sales.
  • Similarly, registration with the Amazon Trademarks Register allows the seller to benefit from improved advertising services. Indeed, the use of the Headline Search Adswhich allows to promote a brandis subject to entry in the Registry. A registered seller has above all advertising advantages. He or she can launch a campaign very quickly, with no approval time, and thus enjoys a great deal of flexibility.
  • The seller with a mark registered in the Amazon Register is also able to monitor the violation of his rights. From a single account, he can go to all Amazon websites to control the use of his trademark. He can identify potential violations and report them to Amazon, which claims to process the reports and take appropriate action within eight hours.

During these searches, it is possible to sort the results according to brand name, product category and customer evaluation. This functionality allows for the quick identification and processing of infringements.

  • Finally, Amazon also implements proactive safeguards on marks registered in the Brand Registry. The information that the trademark owner entrusts to Amazon is used to identify and remove potentially incorrect offers.

The Amazon Brand Registry Registration Process

Amazon's Trademark Registry currently only accepts trademarks that have been registered with the Following Offices United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, FranceGermany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, European Union, Turkey, Singapore, BeneluxSaudi Arabia, Sweden, Poland, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

  • The information to be provided in order to register one's mark in the Register is as follows:
    • Name of the protected trademark
    • Possibly the corresponding images / logos
    • Trademark registration number
    • The categories of products that will be sold under the brand (e.g. bags, clothing, make-up, etc.).
    • The list of countries where the brand's products are manufactured.

It is also possible to associate a new mark with a mark already registered in the Register. For example, by adding a newly registered European trademark to a French trademark already registered in the Brand Registry.

In addition, if the seller has chosen to use an agent to manage its brand (Industrial Property Attorney or Lawyer), the latter may also have access to the Register, in order to monitor and handle procedures.

Be sure to fill in the Brand Registry! 

When registering your brand on the Amazon Registry, you need to pay particular attention to a few points:

  • Trademark owner: the contact details of the Amazon account owner must be the same as those of the registered trademark. If you've registered a trademark in your own name, but the Amazon Registry is in your company's name, you'll have trouble adding the trademark to the Registry.
  • Trademark representation: the registered trademark must be consistent with the trademark that appears on the products sold on Amazon. In general, we recommend that you register the trademark in word form (the name alone), as this will allow the logo to evolve over time. In fact, if you register the trademark with a given logo, it must appear as it is on your products.
  • Trademark territory: Amazon only accepts trademarks from certain trademark offices. For example, if you have a trademark registered in Switzerland, it will not be accepted by the Brand Registry. Similarly, international trademarks (registered via WIPO) are not accepted on the Amazon Brand Registry. Be sure to check the list of offices before filing!

As a result, the Amazon Trademarks Register offers many advantages to sellers, regardless of the products sold or the size of the online store. In 2018, over 60,000 brands worldwide were registered with the Registry. Since their registration, these brands are seeing an average of 99% fewer suspected infringements. In addition, the Brand Registry has prevented the opening of 800,000 infringing accounts and seized and destroyed over 6 million counterfeit items. 

And you, what are you waiting for to register your trademark and join the Brand Registry ?

Our team of brand specialists is here to advise and help youto register your trademark and/or to have it entered in the Register.

Updated: 07/07/2023