Historic record for trademark registrations in France in 2018
The National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) has recently published the key figures for industrial property in France in 2018. In this publication, the Office indicates the number of patent, trade mark and design filings for the year and compares them with those for 2017. While there has been a decline in the filing of designs and models, as well as in patent applications, the INPI welcomes the unprecedented increase in trademark filings.

The sharp increase in trademark registrations
With 95,419 trademark applications in 2018, a new record was reached. The Office notes an increase of 5.5% in filings compared to 2017. According to the Director General of the INPI, Pascal Faure, this increase reflects "all the vitality of the French economy". But this analysis is contradicted by the slight decrease in patent applications (-0.2% compared to 2017).
Some factors may help to explain this a priori contradictory trend. Firstly, the moderate cost of trademark applications and the apparent simplicity of a trademark application compared to a patent application. Indeed, several thousand euros must be anticipated for a patent application at the INPI (for filing fees and fees of a specialized firm). Conversely, a trademark application in France costs at least 210 €. And even if it is preferable to be accompanied by a specialist adviserMany applicants prefer to file their trademarks without assistance.
In addition, 2018 was also a record year for business start-ups. INSEE reported that 691,000 businesses were created in 2018 (compared to 591,000 in 2017).. Many entrepreneurs register trademarks, either to ensure the free use of their chosen name, or to protect their creations against possible counterfeiting.
The decline in patent applications: a global phenomenon
For France, 2018 marks the 1er decline in patent filings. The INPI is reluctant to speak of a decline, and prefers to speak of "stable patent filings". However, the Office remains aware of this trend, as it encourages small companies to file patents. Thus, companies with less than 1000 employees benefit from reductions of 50% on fees. But this incentive program is not enough: only 16,222 patents were applied for in 2018. However, the phenomenon extends beyond France's borders. In Brazil, for example, the decline has been constant since 2016.
As for the United States, they also saw declines in 2015 and 2017. The year 2016, however, marked a new record, with 607,763 patent applications. For US experts, the coming years will see a decrease in the total number of new patents.. Indeed, companies will make quality prevail over quantity. There will be fewer "preventive" applications (filed to block competition) and an increase in protective patents. There will also be an increase in the number of patents granted by the USPTO (the US Patent and Trademark Office).
Finally, China continues to grow. The Chinese are among the world's leading applicants for trademarks and patents. These massive registrations show China's determination to establish itself as a major player in the field of industrial property.
Whether for your trademarks or your patents, we recommend that you seek the assistance of a specialist patent attorney. Our team is at your disposal.